Crossbeats has launched the new smartwatch Crossbeats Apex Regal in India. This new watch, which comes at a price of less than Rs. 4000, has multiple health features and sports mode along with Bluetooth calling technology.
As a result, it is ready to compete with the watches of other famous companies in the market. Let's take a look at the price, features and specifications of the new Crossbeats Apex Regal smartwatch.
Crossbeats Apex Regal Price and Availability
The Crossbeats Apex Regal smartwatch is priced at Rs 3,499 in the Indian market. It is available in metal mesh and silicone trap options. And buyers can choose between gold and black color of their favorite watch. The sale of the watch will start from the company's own website as well as the e-commerce site Amazon on July 15.
Specifications and features of Crossbeats Apex Regal
The new Crossbeats Apex Regal smartwatch comes with a round 1.43-inch AMOLED display. Which is able to offer a maximum brightness of 1000 nits. And there are two buttons on the right edge and always on display mode will be supported on the display.
On the other hand, as health features, the watch has heart rate monitor, SpO2 sensor, sleep tracker, blood pressure monitor available. Along with this, more than 100 sports modes will be available. Again the watch will support bluetooth calling feature. For this the wearable has Clearcom TM technology. Moreover, other notable features of the watch are notification display, music control, weather update etc.
Now let's talk about the battery of the Crossbeats Apex Regal smartwatch. For power backup, it has a 280 mAh battery, which is capable of providing power backup for 3 days when the Bluetooth calling feature is on and 7 days when the Bluetooth calling feature is off. The watch is IP67 rated for protection against water.