The multinational semiconductor company Qualcomm some time ago announced the most powerful flagship chipset Snapdragon 8 gen 3 with multiple AI features. Now again the brand has confirmed to soon launch a new 5G processor specially designed for the entry-level smartphone. Qualcomm India President Savi Soin revealed this news during the 'Indian Mobile Congress 2023' session in Delhi.
Qualcomm is going to launch a new 5G chip keeping in mind the demand for affordable 5G phones
Smartphone launches are starting from the first day of 2024 and more pocket-friendly 5G handsets are expected to enter the global market, including India, in the foreseeable future. In this regard, leading chipmakers are currently focusing on including their own SoCs in upcoming devices in the $100 or Indian price range of around Rs.8,000. Qualcomm is also included in this list.
In fact, until some time ago, the high cost of 5G chips forced the tech brands to keep the prices of the new generation network supported devices much higher. As a result, 5G phones were out of reach of budget conscious buyers till now. However, as 5G network deployment continues in India and across the world, high-speed 5G services may become available to the public this year.
Note that budget handsets are more in demand than mid and flagship smartphones in a country with a large population like India. And now with 5G network available in different states, people are very willing to buy 5G mobiles. Although most buyers are not willing to spend more money for it! As a result, Qualcomm seems to be keeping this in mind and is keen to develop the hardware needed to create affordable 5G phones to dominate large markets like India.